Pick Your Path

Why Ketamine? Ketamine has been shown to provide rapid relief from depression and other mental health conditions, offering a lifeline for those who have not found success with traditional therapies. Research indicates that ketamine can help create new pathways in the brain, making it easier to develop healthier thoughts and behaviors.

Our Approach: At Cabezas Therapy, our KAP sessions are carefully designed to ensure safety and comfort, guided by trained professionals. We integrate the therapeutic use of ketamine with supportive counseling to maximize its benefits and tailor the experience to your unique journey toward wellness.

Benefits of KAP:

  • Quick relief from symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD

  • Promotes emotional breakthroughs and personal insight

  • Supports the development of new, positive mental habits

  • Offers a holistic alternative or complement to traditional treatments

The medication part is covered by a Journey Clinical’s medication management team. The intake session is an opportunity to delve into your mental health history and determine if Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is the right choice for you.

This initial session allows you to ask any questions you may have and receive a personalized treatment plan. Prior to your KAP sessions, you will engage in preparation sessions with your therapist to establish goals and acquire beneficial skills such as mindfulness and self-compassion.

The number of these sessions will be tailored to suit your individual needs. During the KAP sessions, which typically last 2-3 hours, therapy is combined with medication under the guidance of your therapist. These sessions involve preparation, taking the medicine in a supportive environment with elements like music and eye masks, and turning your focus inward.

Integration sessions, usually scheduled 2-7 days post-dosing sessions, are crucial for integrating the benefits of KAP into your daily life, strengthening acquired skills, and facilitating sustainable personal growth. Our therapists are proficient in merging different therapeutic approaches to provide continuous and comprehensive support.